The Patternmaster position has been responsible for a bunch of tubes of original patterns and a tin box full of instructions, documentation and miscellaneous information. Some of the articles in the files are unsigned, some are very old or tenth generation photocopies and hard to read. This page is a effort to make these materials more available. Thanks to Sandra Stump Wilson, Gary Liming, and Brian VandePolder for their invaluable help in reformatting these documents.
Full size patterns are not available. This section includes information, instructions, definitions and documentation. Most of the documents are illustrated, so those that are linked from here are in PDF format. If you do not have a PDF reader you can download Adobe Acrobat Reader for free.
If you need a paper copy, suggested costs include copying, packaging and postage for each document, so if you combine a number of pieces into one order, give yourself a discount. We aren’t trying to make any money here, just cover costs. For information about these patterns contact the Patternmaster.
STANDARD DISCLAIMER: Simply because something is listed here does not mean it is appropriate for your persona. Do your own research and check with your unit commander before investing a lot of time and money into something you may not be able to use.
- 021 Burn Test (11k) for test fabric composition- Source?- very concise, 1 page. $1
- 111 Dictionary of 18th Century Clothing Terms (924k) Edited by William Burke. 50 pages, over 50 illustrations. $5.
- 134 Stitches and Seam Techniques seen on 18th Century Garments in Various Museum Collections, G. Ferris, July 1980. 8 pages, illustrated. $1
- 135 Suggested Method for Making Worked Button Holes, (17k) from Making a Continental Marine Uniform (source?) 1 page. $1
- 141 Ben Franklin’s Kites (52k), from an article by Charles Garlet, printed in April 1974 Early American Life. 2 pages. $1
- 161 Camp Stools (38k) used by George Washington from Washington’s Headquarters, Morristown, NJ. Sketches and notes by Maj. Roger Kerr, Insp. Not the same as those at Newburg, NY, which taper to the top. 1 page. $1
- 201 Uniform Secifications, British Royal Warrant, (34k) compiled by William Burke and Linnea Bass. Gleanings from the 1768 Royal Warrants, Cuthbertson, Simes and Strachan. Not illustrated. 4 pages. $1
- 202 Uniform Specifications, Late American. (43k) Collection of notes from various sources on uniform details, fit, etc. Not illustrated. 5 pages. $1
- 203 The Royal Warrant of 1768 (73k) The English Uniform warrant for infantry, colours, etc.. I don’t know if this is complete, but if you know, please let the Patternmaster know. 7 pages $2.
- 204 An Overview of French Uniforms during the American Revolution (76k). Bruce and Leslie Aller, 1990. 9 pages. $2
- 205 Men’s Civilian Clothing (46k). From Linnea Bass and Bill Burke. Another collection of notes, these on fit and fashion at the time of the Revolution. 6 pages. $1
- 211 Gaiter Prevalence and Configuration, ca. 1768-83 (58k), by S. Rayner and W. Burke. Illustrated article. 4 pages. $1
- 212 Full Gaiters– (282k) Well illustrated instructions for fit and construction. By Bill Burke? 6 pages. $1
- 213 The Topped Gaiter of 1768 (31k) by Steve Rayner. Illustrated supplement to 211. 1 page. $1.
- 214 Spatterdashes (219k) Well illustrated instructions on fitting and constructing military half-gaiters. 8 pages. $2
- 215 Civilian Half Gaiters (51k). Ralph & Mary Briggs. First published in the June 1996 Courier. 2 pages. $1
- 233 Tench Tilgman Coat (31k). Scaled down pattern, drawing by Donald W. Holst form Book of the Continental Soldier by Harold Peterson. 1 page. $1.
- 234 Guide for Construction of Regimental Coat (2.7m). compiled by Judy Wicker of the Commander in Chief’s Guard, 1989. 13 pages $2
- 251 Military Overalls (153k). Illustrated instructions for pattern (20% size included). Author? 4 pages. $1.
- 261 A Typical 18th Century Military Shirt (468k). A practical constuction guide, by Judy Wicker. 10 pages. $2.
- 291 Sporran, circa 1750-80 (62k). “Rob Roy” style for use by the 42nd and other highland troops. 1 page. $1
- 471 Canvas Knapsack (59k). 3rd Regiment of Foot Guards, from the National Army Museum, and.. Actually two similar packs, one larger than the other. 1 page. $1.
- 472 British Canvas Knapsack (55k). Butler’s Rangers, 1779, Stephen Rey (sp?) 12-78. Similar to 471, but larger. 1 page. $1
- 481 Wood Frame Scabbard (296k). For gentlemen’s and officer’s small swords, by Sam Fletcher, 6-’75. Instructions on how to make one for your sword. 5 pages, $1.
- 491 Bell of Arms (324k) Sketches, measurements from two sourcess by J. Isaksen of the 2nd Foot, NY Provincial Forces, 5-81. 7 pages. $2.
- 541 Highland Wedding Dress (247k) of the late 18th century. Author and date unknown. Illustrated. 4 pages, $1.